
Session of the Pa i Tomàquet amb Tertúlia

The Gathering took place the 14-11-2016

Excm.Rvdm. Sr. Juan José Omella

Archbishop of Barcelona.

Meeting in which we had the participation of the following visitors:

Sr.dr. José Luis Ayxelà Par.- Industrial Engineer
Dr. Joan de Dou.- Psychiatrist. IESE Professor
Sr. Ernest Flaqué.- Businessman
Mn. Marc Labori.- Private Secretary of the Archbishop of Barcelona
Sr. Felip Massot.- President of Vertix
Sra. Lola Moragas.- Businesswoman
Sr. Josep Playà i Maset.- Journalist. Publisher of the Trends Section of La Vanguardia
Sr. Josep Mª Pujol.- President of Ficosa
Sr. Oriol Pujol Humet.- General Manager of the Pere Tarrés Foundation
Sr. Josep Mª Sanclimens i Genescà.- Lawyer. Managing Director Group BGI.
Sr. Ricardo Santomà.- Industrial Engineer
Dr. Josep Mª Simon.- Ophthalmologist
Sr. Federico Vallet Nubiola.- Businessman
Sr. Enric Vendrell.- Head of Religious Affaires of the Generalitat de Catalunya
Sr. Josep Vilallonga Shelly.- Businessman, President of the Vilallonga Group