
Session of the Pa i Tomàquet amb Tertúlia

The Gathering took place the 16-06-2004

Jordi Rius Garriga

Cardiologist. Medic Director of the Clinic Teknon

Meeting in which we had the participation of the following visitors:

Sr. Javier de Antonio.- CEO of Nationale Suisse
Sr. Xavier Beltrán.- President of Automóviles Beltran
Sr. Francesc Boada.- President of Abantia
Sra. Sara Castellví.- Catalan Academy of Gastronomy
Sr. Jaume Farré.- Businessman
Sr. Raimundo Julià.- Businessman
Sr. Manuel Martí.- Restaurateur
Sr. Bartolomé Masoliver.- Public Notary
Dr. Pere Mir.- President of the Group Derivados Forestales
Sr. Josep Torres.- Businessman
Sr. Josep Mª Sanclimens i Genescà.- Lawyer. Managing Director Group BGI.
Sr. Josep Vilallonga Shelly.- Businessman, President of the Vilallonga Group
Dr. Francesc Vilardell Viñas.- Doctor in Medicine