
Session of the Pa i Tomàquet amb Tertúlia

The Gathering took place the 5-11-2007

Jordi Valls

President of the Port Authority of Barcelona

Meeting in which we had the participation of the following visitors:

Sr. Josep Mª Bosch Aymerich.- Dr. Architect and Industrial Engineer
Sr. Ramon Comorera.- Journalist, Society Publisher of El Periódico de Catalunya
Sr. Manuel A. Condeminas Hughes.- President of the Holding M. Condeminas & Malasyan Consul in BCN
Sr. Ernest Flaqué Gri.- Businessman. President of Inmogrupo & Raval Solidari
Sra. Norma de la Fuente.- Communication Director and RR II, Port Authority of BCN
Sr. Albert Gimeno.- Journalist La Vanguardia. Head Publisher of Vivir Section
Sr. Carles Llena.- General Manager of Copcisa Inmobiliaria
Sr. Josep Marfull.- Managing Director of the Sasi Group
Sr. Jaume Oliver.- President Group Transcoma
Sr. Juan Manuel Sanahuja.- General Manager of Sacresa
Sr. Josep Mª Sanclimens i Genescà.- Lawyer. Managing Director Group BGI.
Sr. Adolf Todó.- Economist. Former Executive President of Catalunya Caixa
Sr. Lluís Torres.- President of Torma
Sr. Joan Torres i Carol.- President of FF.CC of the Generalitat de Catalunya
Sr. Josep Vilallonga Shelly.- Businessman, President of the Vilallonga Group