
Session of the Pa i Tomàquet amb Tertúlia

The Gathering took place the 29-02-2016

Jordi Cornet

Special Delegated of the Estate to the Consortium of the Zona Franca of Barcelona.

Meeting in which we had the participation of the following visitors:

Sr. Marc Alavedra.- Senior Consultant. Ineo Corporate
Sr. Alberto Donadeu.- Businessman Emusterra
Sr. Anton Farre.- University Professor of Administrative Law. Secretary Consortium Zona Franca
Sr. Ivan Galofré.- Aon Insurance. President Serenísimo Capítulo Cab. of the Vino
Sr. Ignacio García Nieto.- Chief Executive Riva & García & President Circle del Liceu
Sr. Francisco Gutierrez.- Civil Engineer. Managing Director Plan Barcelona of Aena
Sr. Claudio Lepori.- Businessman
Sra. Montse Novell.- Communication Director of Consortium of la Zona Franca
Sr. Jordi Piera i Coll.- Industrial Engineer. Former Gen. Manager of FCC in Catalunya
Sr. Miquel Ribas.- Businessman. President of Lucky Grass
Sr. Javier Riera Marsà.- Businessman. General Manager Coenba Group
Sr. Jordi Roura Bonet.- Partner & Director of Ineo Corporate
Sr. Josep Mª Sanclimens i Genescà.- Lawyer. Managing Director Group BGI.
Sr. Ramón Suñé.- Journalist. Head Publisher (Vivir) of La Vanguardia.
Sr. Francesc Tarrida.- Businessman
Sr. Leo Velasco.- Economist & Businessman
Sr. Josep Vilallonga Shelly.- Businessman, President of the Vilallonga Group